Sunday, August 27, 2017

Solar Eclipse!

The excitement was everywhere.  But especially online with all the things you were supposed to do, not supposed to do,  where to find the eclipse glasses, and how to use them.  Keep your eyes safe!  We were in the path of the partial eclipse, and chose not to drive to "totality" (which sounds eerily like an occult).  But, we were able to get glasses from a NASA visitor to the scout Pack meeting (score!), and we made some viewing boxes.

August 21, 2017!  We got excited, ran to have our teeth cleaned, and came home ready for the fun!

We tried really hard to view the eclipse, and see as much as we could, but the clouds were not cooperative.  The view in the box was the best, as I couldn't figure out hot to take a pic through my glasses.  It was an adventure!
 My husband was able to see it all, even the cool half moon shadows on the ground through the trees.  But, we had rain.
And though we kept trying, it was not really as exciting as we had hoped.

But, we will have another in 2024, and we will save our boxes and glasses for the next one! 

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