Thursday, August 31, 2017

First Day(s) Of School!

With 2 schools, we have 2 different start days.  Seton starts first!  Emma was thrilled to put on a new uniform.  She came to us and told us she said about 10 rosaries to help herself fall asleep (unsuccessfully). She was a bit excited!
7th grade, with the 2yo and her bed head.
Patrick.  The Freshman!  Here he comes!  He had just gotten full braces on, a couple days before.  But he refuses to smile showing his teeth.  We call it the turtle smile. 

James just wanted to be part of this photo shoot.  Can you find him?  Dejected, sad and unloved.

Round 2!  James is off to 1st grade!  He was so excited, and has Penguin Power this year!

William lost a tooth the night before to give himself a good "buck teeth" smile, in his worlds.
4th grade!  He will be a F.R.O.G.
(Fully rely on God)



Oh, and this stinker?  So 2.  So cute.  And So sweet.

Here's the crew!  All ready to go!  God bless all the teachers and their hard work.  Keep their joy and passion the whole year.  Please bless all their studies, and may they do them all for the greater honor and glory of God.  Always.

Here's to an amazing year!

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