In this edition, we will learn how little I listen to the radio, and how often I get to the store. (HA!)
1. What's your favorite grocery store splurge?
Oh, the grocery store. I still have young children, so the grocery store is a tough trip. Very often, it's a quick trip for all the things Tommy doesn't buy at Costco. The ULTIMATE store for him. He loves that place, and though I know it can be dangerous (ask me about the time his brother went to BJ's and came home with a rented UHaul for all his purchases! it runs in the family), our family needs those bulk items, and I have come to depend on that stash of cereal, paper towels, and TP always in the garage.
My husband loves to explore new stores, try new things. Me? I like familiarity. We have stores near us. But, if I am not sure where things are, or if I will be able to find what I am looking for, it get a little anxious, and if I have kids with me (like, always) it makes it even harder for me. I have yet to master the Peapod delivery, or the drive through pickup after ordering online. Someday. Maybe that's why I enjoyed the Blue Apron deliveries.
But, I am distracted. Splurge? There's never one thing that I splurge on. It usually is something that I see at the time (almost always involving chocolate). Maybe cottonelle wipes? I'm not sure what my splurges would be. Now, if you said Target, which I don't consider a grocery store, that would be a longer list.
2. How's your penmanship?
I will never be hired to write anything. I needs help.
3. Do you have a "Summer Bucket List?"
Keep the kids alive.
Try to maintain peace in the home.
Stay safe.
Try not to stress about school.
Have the kids do their summer school work.
So, yes, if you look at that, it's a bucket list. Important things to do during the summer. Super exciting, huh?
4. What's the best thing on the radio right now?
We try to listen to books in the car (we are working through the Narnia books, again) so we don't usually have the radio on. I don't often put on music, and when I do it's at home with the CD's or Pandora. If you call that the radio, the best ones are the stand-up comics like Jerry Seinfeld who make my kids laugh. (It's Bill Cosby mostly, but Patrick gets the giggles at Seinfeld and his Olympic skit, or the one about Fat Albert's car engine.)
5. Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Yes, please.