Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June Ramblings

  • There is a bottle of champagne that is waiting, just like us.  It is waiting to be opened when we get the news of our house.  I have received 3 emails that say the same.thing.every.time.  "We are very close to the end, just waiting on one person to sign off on your papers, yada, yada."  We are supposed to be optimistic because this is "supposedly" taking a shorter time than most short sales.  I am starting to wonder.  Meanwhile, we wait.
  • James has decided that his newest favorite person is Papa.  His face lights up when he hears him call his name, and will crawl toward the TV room to see him.  There is so much laughter between the two of them!
  • Patrick's newest fascination is baseball.  He earned tickets to see the Nationals with his Scouting popcorn sales (thank you for all your help!), and he has talked about it non-stop.  He has been inviting everyone possible over to come over to play a real game of baseball.  The first week here, I found the kids in the neighbor's yard playing baseball with them, because "they had the better yard."  (no worries.  My dad knows the family - the dad is a police officer.  There is a fireman on the other side.  Good company!) 
  • Emma brought home all these papers from school, telling all about her year, showing how much she has progressed in her writing and spelling.  Her favorite thing that she learned this year?  How to draw people without stick arms and legs.  LOL  Her least favorite subject was reading because "it was too easy." 
  • Both my kids had great report cards, and I am super proud of them!
  • William continues to crack me up every single day.  We bought that boy a pair of crocs so he could go outside as much as he wants, since he was not willing to put on his own shoes, as they never wouldbe tight enough.  He is loving the freedom, as am I.  I am hoping the kids continue this trend with the new house (when and if we get the house.) because we will have lots of land.  The result of the time spent out of doors is lots of bug bites on all the kids.  We will just stock up on the bug spray, and keep sending them out!
  • Our time with my parents has been such a blessing.  We have very willing babysitters and it is so nice to see my kids spending so much time with them.  They seem to be so comfortable with them, and in the house.  It is so nice not to have to cook every night, and have an extra set of hands and eyes to help with the baby.
  • When we moved in, we decided not to bring anything but our kids' mattresses.  Our king size bed was too big to bring, so we are using what my mom has here.  When Tommy was talking to his sister-in-law, he was telling her that the hardest part of staying with my parents is their rules, including them requiring us to sleep in separate beds (Tommy has a trundle and I have the upper twin).  "After all, Fuzzy is his little girl."  She was quite indignant for us, and was getting upset until Tommy started laughing.  He has enjoyed using that joke on everybody. 
  • This week, Tommy's brother Paul is getting married!!  We are so excited to spend time with the whole family that will be in town.  Pictures to come, promise!  :) 
  • My generous, selfless husband was given the prestigious award of "Knight of the Year" from the Knights of Columbus.  We are so proud of him!  I know he works so hard, and I am tickled pink that he has been recognized for his dedication.

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