Thursday, February 23, 2012

You want to beat up WHO!?!?

This past summer, the kids went to Vacation Bible School while I was at home with James. It came with a music CD that all the kids got, and we have been listening to it in the car. I love watching William sing in the rear-view mirror, and know he enjoys the music as much as the big kids.

William and I were running errands today, and he always is full of questions. Some, I have to admit, I don't pay attention to. This one, though, was a bit different. He asked me "why do they want to beat up Jesus?"

Um, what??

Since it is the season of Lent, and we have been talking about Jesus on the cross, and suffering, I immediately went there in my head and thought that it's so great that our talks have hit home with him, and we need to be kind to others so we don't hurt Jesus. Oh, okay. So I explained that some people don't like him, and we should all love him and not beat him up. Sounds good right?

A bit later, I hear him singing this song. Ah, yes. I see it now. LOL Joke's on me. I'm not sure I want to change the words, because it's so darn cute, but then again, it's really not. I am still giggling.