Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Year, Same Mumbles

  • I always know better than to make New Year's resolutions, but I always have a small thought in the back of my mind that I *might* do some changes. Eat healthier, get to bed earlier, etc. Who am I kidding.

  • It only took a week, but Christmas is finally packed away. James was not a big fan of me putting him down this week, so it was quite slow-going. I think the tree going down is going to be the hardest on William. He is really going to miss the Christmas season, but most especially the music. He keeps playing "Here Comes Santa Claus" and I don't have the heart to tell him to turn it off. I mean, seriously? Do you want to tell that sweet boy that the Christmas season is over? When our neighbors started taking down their blow-ups in their yards, he got all upset and was ready to go knock on their doors and ask them why they don't like them anymore. It was so cute.

  • This will probably need a longer post, but I am in need of getting a chore chart of some kind for the kids. I think it needs a combination of me letting go of control, but also giving them the responsibility around the house so I am not feeling so overwhelmed. I don't know if they will actually do what I tell them (whether from forgetfullness or disobedience) and if I am relying on them in order to do the next thing, I feel that I am going to be disappointed if they aren't helping me. It's so hard to get a good balance: I need to teach them and they need to learn and get more responsibility, etc. It's going to take some planning and following through on my part too. Maybe I can delay it a bit longer until my James will sleep better?

  • Speaking of James, that boy is not a fan of food. I mean, seriously? What kid doesn't like bananas or apples? He literally gives me a disgusted look with the first few bites, and then tilts his head back to avoid the spoon. I don't understand it. Tommy says he has more tummy/reflux issues than our other kids. Poor little guy.

  • On the flip side, James is one of THE happiest babies I have had. He LOVES faces, and when people look at him and talk to him. It's hard to get him to take a nap when we go places because he is so excited to have company. I hear all these little "aww's" behind me at church because he is smiling at the people behind us. He laughs at the kids' antics, and sometimes it's just regular stuff that makes him laugh. It's a deep belly laugh just like Tommy, which just melts my heart!

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