Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kids and veggies

I sent Tommy to the store the other day, and on the list was frozen veggies. He came home with veggies all in the Steam Fresh bags. I have to admit, I was a bit frustrated, because the bags are smaller, and it seems like we buy so much more. I usually just pick up the store brand BIG bags, and do a few batches of those. But, we have them, and I decided to use them. The first night I made broccoli. My kids aren't big fans of veggies (even when I douse them with salt and butter. I know. They are weird.) but I noticed that they were eating the broccoli. And eating it with gusto. Tommy started making those "What about Bob?" noises, and I decided I should see what the fuss was.

Oh my.

It is broccoli, mind you, but it was so fresh tasting, with a little bite, and really good. Best I have ever had. I thought it was maybe a one time thing, so I made the peas next. OH MY. Even better. The kids? Ate it all up AGAIN. Those bags? Let me just say they are my new best friends! I don't know what I have been doing to my veggies all this time, but it was all wrong. They make them just right.

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