Monday, March 27, 2017

March Mumblings

March has turned into one of those months that fly by.  I thought February was short, but I seem to have missed March.  So, here are some happenings in this month!
My Patrick is taking Latin I this year.  He had a certamen (quiz) game at the school at the beginning of the month.  The kids had to get a team together, give them a Latin name (it means something on fire?  I am a little rusty on my definitions), and compete.  I decided to come along and watch and I was so happy I did!  These 3 boys did amazing.  They came in 2nd place overall in the competition.  The boys were polite, worked well as a team, and just made my heart swell with pride.  It was a joy to watch them play, and I know they were disappointed to lose to a team they had beat earlier, but it was a joy to watch.

We also got some new goodies in my kitchen!  My ovens were not working, and I was just pushing through and learning to deal with the things that gave it character.  (though the double oven is not in this photo, I couldn't resist how stinkin cute Lucy is) Tommy and his brother, the electrician, squeezed a new double oven into the wall.  I say squeezed, because the space was designed for an oven 3" smaller than what we bought.  They had to cut walls, cabinets, and work it in to the space.  But, oh, it's WONDERFUL!  27" is REALLY small, even times 2 ovens, so it's a joy to know that I can fit LARGE pans, 2 side by side.  Oh, and the fact that it works?  No hot spots, no more 3 hours to cook a whole chicken?  Bliss, I tell you.

We also got a new dishwasher.  It's quieter and has way more space!  I feel so spoiled!!!  And, our appliances match!

We finally got a snowstorm!  I was prepared for this one: boots AND snowpants!  Usually I have to give mine to Emma, so we made sure we both had our own.  So I actually went outside!  Lucy and I had some fun sledding, though she was not a fan of the snow to walk in, so I happily pulled her along behind me.  We used to have a great sledding hill until our neighbors behind us put in a fence to keep their kids and dog in the yard.  So it's a little harder to enjoy, but we managed to have fun.  William even made a snowman, though I think it reminds me of a duck.

James got to spend the weekend with the class pet, Biscuit, and gets to be "Top Dog" this week.  He is just a bit excited. :)

Part of the weekend included a 5K at the school called Running with the Saints.  He had the best seat in the house, and loved his ride.  Lucy kept telling Tommy that everyone was faster than they were. 

Patrick was on a Confirmation retreat so he wasn't there, but these stinkers got to run!

And, I did not run either, as I was away.  AWAY!  My sisters and I (4 of the 5) got to go away for a weekend together.  We have never done this, and I have never left the 5 children.  It was a wonderful time, and all made possible by a sweet and generous friend who offered us a cabin to stay in.  My sister also turned 50 so we used that as our excuse.  We stayed up late talking into the nights, and just enjoyed the company and lack of interruptions.  We have 16 kids among us, so it was a big deal.
My sisters made the weekend so special, and walking down the memory lane.  Though some memories were new to me, as the youngest girl. 


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Walking with Purpose

"Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others."
                                                                                          ~ Colossians 3:23

I have to make a confession.  I am not good about reading the Bible.  I love that you will hear the whole Bible on a 3 year cycle at Mass, but I have not been able to get to Mass on a regular enough basis to hear all of it since I was a child.  And I have not made the time to actually sit and read it.  It doesn't read like a book and it takes a lot to focus for me, lately. It is very humbling to admit this, and I wish I was better.   

But I have taken the plunge and joined a Bible study at a nearby parish. I decided at the start of the new year that I needed some help getting my prayer life in order, and I knew this group had begun in the fall, so I was a bit late.  But determined.  I found the "Walking With Purpose" Bible study for women.  And I LOVE it.  I love that it takes a beautiful perspective, sending you to some Bible verses, and it includes the teaching from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  I have found so many things to hold in my heart and help me in my struggles (though some days the struggle is to actually get to the study, but I know that even without attending the group study, I am getting so much with the short "lessons" during the week). It is a great group of encouraging women and prayerful atmosphere, so as long as Lucy will go to the nursery and let me pray, I appreciate the time. 

I am not the most self-motivated person when it comes to things (just look around my house, or at my round mid-section), so knowing that about myself should tell me that I need to find outside encouragement.  This has done that very well.  (Though the introvert side of me screams when I need to talk.)

Next step is to find some good books for Lenten reading.  Any suggestions?  I am not great when they are heavy.  Or for smart people.