Thursday, October 31, 2013

{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} Disneyworld edition

round button chicken

 There is nothing  better than this view!!!  Driving in gets me more excited than anything!
 Disney was all ready for the Halloween holidays.  
 I loved that these kids were so willing to wear these ears.
 Disney is the best with parades, fireworks and everything.  They take care of all the little details to make it magical!


 Our condo had light switches all at James' height, so we had lots of fun with that.

 Trick or Treating at the Park, and William was super excited each time he said thanks!  

 Yep, even at the Happiest Place on Earth there can still be pouting and meltdowns.
 It was all new to James, and he was enthralled on each ride and show we saw.
 James was VERY wary of the characters, and would go near them very reluctantly.
 And even William sometimes needed a little help getting in photos.
 Thank goodness Daddy is our own Superman, and can carry those sleeping and tired boys.
 Tommy got his movie debut at the Indiana Stunt show as an extra!
 Waiting for a parade: and these two were the ones who were always ready to go!  James was awake the longest almost every night!
And sometimes, we just wanted them to be locked up.  :)  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like lots of great and happy family memories!