Sunday, September 1, 2013

God is Always in Charge

Can I ask for some prayers for my sister, Jenn?  We just found out that she needs to have open heart surgery very soon for a congenital defect.  We know that God has a plan and is always in charge and we also know that he listens to our prayers.  My sister is also my Godmother, mother of 2 amazing boys and a homeschooling mom.  She is my "go to" for so much, and she is always giving of herself to others.  She is always busy, always learning, and whenever I am asked if I am her sister, and feel that I need to add a note that they should NOT expect the same from me!  Please keep her and her family in your prayers!  Thank you!

And, while we are on the subject of family and prayers, would you please add my mother- and father-in-law to your list as well?  They are going to have surgery in the next months as well.  Unfortunately, my MIL's heart surgery was a failure and she now needs to have the valve replaced.  We are praying for a safe outcome, and speedy recovery of all! 

And one more: My cousin, mother of 8, just got a cancer diagnosis.   Thank you!

1 comment:

Cay Gibson said...

Praying for all involved.