Monday, June 28, 2010
It's Emma's Week!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
More California
My sweet William
Everyday, William cracks me up with how much he is talking, and what he says. Today I got him up from his nap and called him one of my pet names. He looked at me and said "Not Sweet Pea." So I asked him who he was. He very quickly said "William." He did the same thing at the doctor's office, and then answered "yes" when the doctor asked him if he was cute. LOL What a nut. (We were actually there to check on a limp he had from falling down the stairs on Father's Day that carried over to the next day. Thankfully, everything was okay.) He is such a good boy, and just wants to be with the big kids, but he will even hang out alone and play SO well with the toys. Sometimes I forget he's in the basement, until I call him. The conversation goes like this: "William! Where are you?" "Downstairs!" "What are you doing?" "Play people." "Okay. Thank you!" I will poke my head down there and he will be doing just what he says, and looks up at me and smiles. He is the most vocal of my kids, and so quick to tell me "love you," "sure" when you ask him to do something, "thank you" or that I am his "best mommy." That brings a smile to my face! He was just old enough to really enjoy the CA trip that we took, because he has been talking about it. I have the photos on slide show, and every now and then he will yell (since he's been doing that quite often to be heard in this noisy house) "What that, Mommy???" over and over until I look and tell him about the picture. I loved seeing him grab Mickey's nose, and waving hello to all the rides and characters we met. If any of the rides had a song, he would be singing it as soon as we got on (Small World is the one he sang the most) and would just break into song at seeing the pictures, or even a reminder of the ride. The excitement in his eyes for each new thing is so amazing, and to see how his siblings treat him is so special. He is definitely a stinker in more ways than one, but boy is he going to a great catch when he is older. He is so easygoing and sweet, and loves to "help Mommy" with the laundry. :)
This is his pose for sitting back and enjoying the rides, especially Small World. Doesn't he look so much like Tommy?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
"What will you celebrate?"
Monday, June 21, 2010
The San Diego Zoo
The gibbons were out singing for us that day. At the end of the video you will hear Tommy telling Patrick to do something. The sentence is finished with "get your head out of that trashcan." I didn't even want to know.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
It's Official
Thursday, June 10, 2010
We're home!
I can't wait to share my photos with you!